New building for the Faculty of Humanities, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Extension of the Museum of the School

New building for the Faculty of Humanities, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

A. Kotsiopoulos, N. Arvanitopoulou, D. Daki, V. Karalazos, G. Horozoglou, E. Spartsi,

Civil engineers : P. Panagiotopoulos, A. Avdelas, L. Baniotopoulos, E. Mystakidis – Delco, D. Deligiannidis, S. Salonikidis,

E/M engineers: A. Tsalapatas – K. Bouzakis, K. Eustathiou, G. Kallidaropoulos, A. Antoniadis  - Th. Melios,

Total area: 3000 sqm, project: 1991-93, end of construction: 1999

Extension of the Museum of the School

A. Kotsiopoulos, A. Panou, E. Zoumboulidou, construction: 2000

This project, together with that of the main library, was the first to introduce and to negotiate the idea of an underground building in the Aristotle University main campus. The project dealt with the construction of a new building on the slope north east of the historic building of the University designed by V. Poselli in 1887. It consists of two parts. The first part is completely underground and is situated under the new main courtyard of the faculty, which previously has been a parking lot. It is deployed around a cylindrical atrium – an other version of the atrium designed for the main library, I presented before – and houses the library of the Faculty. The curved outer brick-wall of this library also connotes the curved wall of the main library and creates a common landmark along the main walkway across the campus. The second part is a semi-underground wing on a slope towards the ‘Chemeion’ (Chemistry Building) Square, the traditional centre of campus life and the main connection of the campus with the surrounding urban tissue. This part is characterized by an open arcade, orientated to the south, and houses lecture rooms and staff offices. The two parts and the walkway between them are connected with three metal bridges, which play a crucial role in forming the architectural character of the building complex.


  • Το Αριστοτέλειο σήμερα (the Aristotle University Now) edition by A.U.Th., 1/1993

  • N. Kalogirou, «Θεσσαλονίκη, Αστικό τοπίο και σύγχρονη αρχιτεκτονική έκφραση» (Thessaloniki: townscape and contemporary architecture), The World of Buildings 5/1994, pp. 196-204

  • Η Αρχιτεκτονική ως Τέχνη (Architecture as an Art, magazine edited by the Association of Architects in Thessaloniki), May 2001

  • Architecture in Greece, 36 (issue specialized on A.Kotsiopoulos’ work on university buildings) / 2002

  • Α. Giakoumakatos,  “City and knowledge: university buildings and urban tissue» in: Architecture in Greece, 36, 2002, pp 58 - 64