Extention of the School of Veterinary Sciences,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, Greece

A. Kotsiopoulos, K. Spiridonidis, M. Marinou, G. Psomadakis

Civil engineers
P. Panagiotopoulos, C. Bisbos, P. Ralli, M. Theophanous,
OMETE S.A. (Kostikas, Iakovidis, Kremezis)

E/M engineers
K. Bouzakis, A. Stergiannis, I. Tselepidis, OMH Ltd. (S. Kolokontes, A. Michas)

Photos by B. Louizidis, A. Kotsiopoulos

total built area
4.000 sqm

1991 - 1994

completed 1999

The existing building of the School of Veterinary Science, by E. Kakouris, was completed in 1970. The new laboratory wing, designed as part of the new campus master plan, contributes to the formation of a new façade of the complex towards one of the main axes of the campus and transforms the function and character of the internal courtyard. This courtyard, including the new library and refectory buildings, is designed to become the core of faculty and student life.


  • The Aristotle University Now, edition by A.U.Th., 1/1993

  • Architecture in Greece, 36 (issue specialized on A.Kotsiopoulos’ work on university buildings) / 2002

  • A. Giakoumakatos,  “city and knowledge: university buildings and urban tissue” in: Architecture in Greece, 36, 2002, pp 58 - 64

  • Mauve, Dec 2004-Jan 2005, pp. 46-49