Library for the School of Civil Engineering,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, Greece

K- Architects
A. Kotsiopoulos, A. Panou, E. Zoumboulidou
E. Chalkiopoulou, T. Kouvaki, G. Grevenaris

N. Kalogirou

Civil engineers
I. Avramidis, C. Baniotopoulos, I. Lavasas, P. Zervas,
G. Nikolaidis, A. Katavelos, K. Morfidis, Gr. Manoukas

E/M engineers
K. Bouzakis, A. Stergiannis, I. Tselepidis, G. Lagos, K. Sarropoulos

Photos by A. Kotsiopoulos

total built area
1.075 sqm

2006 - 2007


The existing building of the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is a complex consisting of the first building designed by Karadinos, Liapis, and Skroubelos in 1957 and numerous additions built between 1970 and 1985. The extension, based on the new campus master plan, refers to a large (25,000 sqm), linear, mainly on the slope and partially underground building invisible from the north, the terrace of which forms the eastern part of the main campus walkway. The new complex consists of lecture theatres, auditoria, staff offices, and laboratories, and practically reverses the function of the existing building by opening its initially ‘blind’ north side.