Real estate feasibility study for E.Y.A.TH. S.A.

Thessaloniki, Greece

K- Architects
A. Panou, E. Zoumboulidou
A. Chatzimanoli

A. Kotsiopoulos

Civil engineer
A. Spyropoulos

Agronomist/ Surveyor engineers
G. Armagos, O. Kouvatsi

2020 - today

EYATH ‘s (Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Thessaloniki) goal is to organize and exploit as much as possible all the real estate portfolio it possesses, in order to achieve a smoother and healthier operation, as well as to limit operating costs.

The Real Estate Feasibility Study of EYATH S.A. will cover existing and future staff housing needs and will also make use of the company's important unused properties. EYATH has data for its needs, which arise from the company's organizational chart and its internal operating regulations. The future number of employees in the company results from the 262/2015 decision of the Company's Board of Directors, according to which a total of 450 people are foreseen (400 people plus 50). The Researcher will draw up a questionnaire which will be answered by the Company's Management, in order to obtain the distribution of the company's functions and workplaces, as well as their functional interdependence. From the above, the use, the number of workplaces and the required areas of space (based on individual needs) will be finalized per functional unit, in relation to the functional interdependence of the departments and any special requirements (specifications).

Furthermore, the study will

  • include the preparation of a commercial value assessment report for each property owned by EYATH by a certified real estate appraiser (according to the European EVS 2012 appraisal standards). To determine the commercial value of each property, whenever possible, the appraiser will apply more than one appraisal methodology.

  • investigate the possibility to utilize assets of EYATH’s affiliate company EYATH Fixed Asset SA, in order to relocate various services - functions of the Company.

  • provide Technical Data File for each privately owned or leased property, as well as for the properties under consideration of EYATH Fixed Asset SA, a file will be created, which will contain: a. technical report that will include a description and technical characteristics of the property, its history and updated urban planning data, b. a report on the recording of existing infrastructure (in collaboration with the company), with a description of the uses that are housed as well as a quantitative recording of the currently employed staff, c. legal documents concerning ownership (real rights, contracts, expropriations, etc.), d. existing plans and drawings and legal documents concerning permits (e.g. building permit, Energy Performance Certificates, fire safety certificates, etc.) and e. photographic documentation

  • prepare a general organizational plan (masterplan), which will be based upon a. the administrative organization - structure of the company, b. the commercial value of the real estate, c. the investigation of real estate assets of EYATH Fixed Asset SA and d. the data that will result from the Technical Data Files

The Real Estate Feasibility Study of EYATH S.A. will be organized in three phases:

Phase A– Strategic Decision Scenarios

The study will include as many as possible alternative proposals that will relate to scenarios of strategic decisions for the utilization of the real estate in combination with proposals for the reorganization of the company's existing functions. All scenarios should be in accordance with the applicable urban planning legislation and consistent with the applicableorganizational framework of EYATH SA. Each scenario will include a report describing interventions, accompanied by an approximate cost estimate and implementation schedule. In cooperation with the Company, a comparative evaluation of the alternative solutions will be carried out. The basic strategic scenario will emerge from the above scenarios after approval by the Company.

Phase B – Detailed Masterplan

Following the selection of the basic strategic scenario, a detailed organizational plan (masterplan) will be drawn up, in which each building unit will be functionally described, in order to cover all the data of the organizational chart of the company's operational requirements for each proposed building. The masterplan will consist of schematic drawings and a technical report that will describe the organization of the company's departments in the new infrastructure, the functional description of each building, the number of workplaces and the proposed areas, and will be submitted for approval to the Company.

Phase C - Building Program

Based on the above, building programs will be drawn up for each building in its proposed final form, which will record all types of spaces, their functions, the number of j workplaces and the required surfaces. Finally, the design specifications for the final design of each building unit will be formulated, specifically the degree of intervention, the possible distribution of uses on floors, etc., so that it is possible to draw up further studies without the need to research additional elements of architectural planning.

The final proposal should be accompanied by a list (map) of actions, which will roughly include the steps and procedures that must be carried out for its implementation. The list should be accompanied by an indicative timetable for the implementation and completion of the procedures provided for in the proposal.