University of Ioannina:
master plan of the university campus

Ioannina, Greece

I. Triantafillidis (team leader), A. Kotsiopoulos (coordinator)
K. Antoniou, F. Kaissef, P. Mimidis, A. Samouilidou, E. Tsoulouvis


This master plan dealt with the academic planning, the schedule of accommodation and the spatial organization of a new University of 13,000 students and staff in the suburbs of Ioannina, the capital of Epirus, in Greece. The master plan was the result of a thorough investigation of the examples of new campus design in the ‘60s and ‘70s. The idea was the typical of a new town of more than 500.000 sqm, on a site larger than the city of Ioannina itself (350 Ha), including a linear central area, a 3-axis development of the academic buildings, a network of linear supplementary uses, such as main lecture theatres and student studios, and a student village for 3.000 inhabitants. The project aimed at (a) importing urban functions and population inside the campus, (b) emphasizing the central zone, (c) overlapping different functions even inside the areas of academic facilities, (d) creating intermediate spaces to facilitate relations between user groups, and (e) using an open system of development to allow future growth.


  • Edition by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1975

  • Architecture in Greece, 36 (issue specialized on A.Kotsiopoulos’ work on university buildings) / 2002

  • A. Giakoumakatos, “City and knowledge: university buildings and urban tissue” in: Architecture in Greece, 36, 2002, pp 58 - 64